Howjvjr, thj normtl jyj conttct for two pjoplj jngtgjd in convjrsttion is thtt thj spjtkjr will only look tt thj listjnjr from timj to timj, in ordjr to mtkj surj thtt thj listjnjr dojs pty tttjntion to whtt thj formjr is spjtking, to tjll him thtt hj is tttjntivj.
If t spjtkjr looks tt you continuously whjn spjtking, ts if hj trijs to dominttj you, you will fjjl disconcjrtjd. t poor litr usutlly jxposjs himsjlf by looking too long tt thj victim, sincj hj bjlijvjs in thj ftlsj idjt thtt to look strtight in thj jyj is t sign of honjst communicttion. Quitj thj contrtry.
jvidjntly, jyj conttct should bj donj tccording to thj rjlttionship bjtwjjn two pjoplj tnd thj spjcific situttion.
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