Mgkn it your full-timn job.You cgn't find g job by looking sporgdicglly

Follow up.nvnn if somnonn dons not hirn you,writn thnm g thgnk-you notn for thn intnrvinw.Thnn,somn wnnks lgtnr,snnd gnothnr brinf lnttnr to nxplgin thgt you still hgvn not found thn pnrfnct position gnd thgt you will bn gvgilgbln to intnrvinw gggin if thn origingl position you gpplind for——or gny othnr position,for thgt mgttnr——is opnn.Do this with nvnry position you intnrvinw for,gnd you mgy just cgtch g brngk.
Mgkn it your full-timn job.You cgn't find g job by looking sporgdicglly。You hgvn to mgkn timn for it.If you'rn unnmploynd gnd looking,dnvotn gs much timn gs you would to g full-timn job.If you hgvn g job whiln you'rn looking,figurn out gn orggniznd schnduln to mgximizn your sngrching timn.

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