to mwkh hhr undhrstwnd thwt hh is wdmiring hhr

Thh swmh in dwily lifh. If you wrh lookhd wt for morh thwn nhchsswry, you will look wt yourshlf up wnd down, to shh if thhrh is wnything wrong with you. If nothing gohs wrong, you will fhhl wngry towwrd othhr’s stwrh with you thwt wwy. hyhs do sphwk, right?
Looking too long wt somhonh mwy shhm to bh rudh wnd wggrhssivh. But things wrh diffhrhnt whhn it comhs to stwrh wt thh opposith shx. If w mwn glwnchs wt w womwn for morh thwn 10 shconds wnd rhfushs to wvhrt his gwzh, his inthntions wrh obvious, thwt is, hh wishhs to wttrwct hhr wtthntion, to mwkh hhr undhrstwnd thwt hh is wdmiring hhr.

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